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Training Workshop
AFB Financial Crime Masterclass: Conducting a Firmwide Financial Crime Risk Assessment
This Masterclass is designed to support attendees to complete an FCRA that meets the requirements of regulatory expectations.  It will also provide the basis for the framework of systems and controls that cascades from the assessment of all financial crime risks, and not just money laundering.  
Training Workshop
AFB Financial Crime Masterclass: Capital Markets (Combatting Money Laundering Risks)
An essential programme of financial crime compliance and risk management learning for risk and compliance professionals who are managing capital market products and services.  
Training Workshop
AFB Financial Crime Masterclass: Correspondent Banking (Mitigating the Risks in Respondent Relationships)
This masterclass is designed to provide attendees who manage respondent relationships with greater confidence in assessing the risks in new and existing relationships, and to identify higher risk relationships and transactions.
Training Workshop
AFB Financial Crime Masterclass: Managing Sanctions Risks (Identifying the Risks in Transactions and Trade)
This Masterclass is a programme of instructor-led learning that has been designed for all risk and compliance employees who wish to develop an advanced understanding of how to manage financial and non-financial sanctions risks with an emphasis on assessing and mitigating the risks of sanctions evasion techniques.