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AFB Seminar: Anti-Money Laundering Act – Impact on EU Banks in the UK
AFB and PwC invite you to attend an in-person seminar and panel discussion exploring the impact of the new EU Anti Money Laundering Authority (AMLA).   
AFB Practice Roundtable: Are you ready for the UK Operational Resilience Requirements?
This roundtable discussion, in partnership with EY, will be an opportunity to review the preparedness of AFB members for the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) and Financial Conduct Authority’s (FCA) operational resilience requirements, in advance of the implementation deadline on 31 March 2025.
AFB Practice Roundtable: Managing the Implementation of DORA (for non-EU headquartered banks)
AFB, in partnership with Eversheds Sutherland, is hosting an in-person practice roundtable for non-EU banks on managing the implementation of DORA.  This session will provide an opportunity to discuss with other non-UK headquartered banks the challenges they are experiencing in addressing practical considerations.  
AFB Practice Workshop: Transaction Reporting – Understanding the Challenges & Avoiding the Pitfalls
AFB is holding an in-person workshop in partnership with Kroll, to provide practical tips to support the design and development of a transaction reporting framework. The workshop will outline how to maintain data quality management, as well as provide example scenarios and explore the role of a trader in transaction reporting.  
AFB Practice Roundtable: Managing the Implementation of DORA (for EU Headquartered banks)
AFB, in partnership with Ashurst, is hosting an in-person practice roundtable for EU banks on managing the implementation of DORA.  This session will provide an opportunity to discuss with other EU headquartered banks the challenges they are experiencing in addressing practical considerations.  
AFB Non-Executive Directors Forum
AFB will partner with NEDs in FS ( for an inaugural meeting of a Non-Executive Directors (NEDs) Forum that AFB is setting up. The forum will be hosted by Clive Cunningham, partner at Herbert Smith Freehills (HSF).  
AFB Virtual Seminar: Basel 3.1 – Implementation of Phase 2 – Final Rules on Credit Risk
AFB will partner with EY for a virtual seminar that will cover the contents of the policy statement with a focus on the implementation of the changes to Credit Risk rules under standardised and internal ratings-based approaches.
AFB Seminar: Basel 3.1: Implementation of Phase 2 Rules – Disclosure and Reporting Requirements
AFB will partner with MHA for an in-person seminar that will focus on the disclosure and regulatory reporting changes set out in Basel 3.1, as well as the changes to the Pillar 3 framework and the challenges that come with complex implementation requirements in Risk, Finance, technology/infrastructure, and bank-wide governance arrangements.